Grupo: Patience Hodgson
Canción: Lee Remick
Disco: Write yours adventure down (A tribute to the Go-Between) 2007.
La cantante de una banda de Brisbane llamada The Grates participa en este disco homenaje a The Go-Between y en especial a Grant McLennan, el cual falleció en 2006. El disco comienza con esta canción que fue el primer single de la banda allá por 1977 y que en su día se posteó en este blog.
She comes from Ireland
She’s very beautiful
I come from Brisbane
I’m quite plain
She’s from the mountains, so close to heaven
Clouds on her shoes, stars on her chest
I love Lee Remick, she’s a darling
She was in The Omen with Gregory Peck
She got killed, what the heck
Her eyes are like gems
She’s an actress for Screen Gems
I love Lee Remick, she’s a darling
Her hair’s red, but it’s not dye
If I touched her, I know I’d want to cry
My life is desperation, but it’s only infatuation
I love Lee Remick, she’s a darling
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